Dogs In The City & Their Waste

Many urban areas are experiencing a new and profound concern with the increasing amounts of dog waste in the city streets. With the huge concentration of dogs in metropolitan areas, whether as household pets or guard dogs, the city is experiencing an alarming increase in pet waste piling up around the already run-down urban landscape.

Concern over environmental pollution in general is also on the rise. Many citizens and some media reporters have made a huge deal over dog waste removal, claiming that every disease from the common cold to bubonic plague comes directly from dog poop. Some people have gone overboard by attempting to aggressively persuade parents with slogans like, “children before dogs”.

Speaking from an unbiased standpoint, dog poop presents very few problems of medical concern to the average person residing in large city areas. The most serious health hazard is, of course, to other dogs and not to humans. Diseases such as hepatitis and distemper are passed from infected dogs to healthy ones through saliva and urine, while internal parasites are transmitted through the poop of infected dogs.

However, for a human to contract any disease from dog poop would require that they walk through the streets barefooted or actually eating dog poop or fleas which is, of course, not very likely. The argument of the “children before dogs” group is that children will unwittingly eat dog fleas and poop. Alright, most parents are not letting their young children, toddlers or infants play unattended on public streets, parks or any place there is a large build up of dog poop; and when they are old enough to play unattended, they have been taught the basics of cleanliness and hygiene. Realistically, very few kids will enjoy the smell of dog poop.

More likely to be of significant danger to human health is contamination of food by roaches, rats, and the common housefly, none of which seems to be exciting enough for these same people who are so concerned with dog poop.

Regardless of who’s judging who, most people agree that dog poop does present an embarrassing stench and unsightly pollution of our environment in an area that can’t handle it. Every dog owner is responsible for the mess created by their dog. Whether it’s a Bull Mastiff or a Shih Tzu, each dog does their share in contaminating grassy areas and disrespecting pedestrians.

It is puzzling that dog owners who are fortunate enough to have a backyard have no difficulty keeping it clean of dog waste; but these same owners will walk their dog out the front door and allow their animals to pollute the public streets, which is basically everyone’s’ front yard.

Animal lovers have a sensitivity to nature and animals that is not known to people who have never loved a pet. The love and sensitivity must go beyond our pets and spread to our human neighbors. We cannot ignore the rights and privileges of other people. Our dogs are our responsibility and we have no right to inflict them on others.

If we all clean up after our pets, we will be contributing to a substantially cleaner, more pleasant environment. It is up to pet owners to preserve the delicate balance between animals and humans.

At Clean Feet, we understand that you live a busy life with family, work and activities. Most Americans live on limited time and because of that we have created a pet waste management team. The main goal of our team is the lend a hand in the collection and disposal of dog and cat poop. The end result is a better environment for humans and animals that leads to an easier life. To start having an easier life our contact info is below.


Clean Feet Pet Clean Up


Stop Your Puppies from Chewing are a lot of challenges that come with raising puppies. Certain breeds have different behaviors than other dogs because of their genetics. If you happen to be lucky enough to have puppies that love to chew, you may be in for an uphill battle. There are a few things you can do to both stop chewing and reduce its effects while it goes on, but you shouldn’t attempt to stop dog chewing all at once. Especially when it comes to puppies, as it is a natural part of their development. However, you will probably only want them to chew on the things you allow. In this article Clean Feet Pet Clean Up will give you a few tips to help that process along. As a reminder please scoop the poop from your dog. Please practice dog waste removal because its the responsible thing to do, thank you.

Remember, puppies can feel our emotions too. So make sure that you keep your thoughts and words positive yet authoritative. Before you bring your puppy home it would be a great idea to puppy proof your home. Making your home safe for puppies is going to involve the removal of things that your puppies will see as targets or chew toys. The easiest practice is to put your valued possessions out of reach or hide them in another part of the house that your puppies cannot reach. If your puppy still finds things to destroy, and they all do, you will have to take the anti-chewing tactics to the next level. As an example, if your puppies target the legs of furniture you can purchase or make a bitter solution that will discourage chewing on any items you want.

The best way to stop dog chewing, as weird as it sounds, is to give them alternative things to chew on. The first requirement of raising a puppy should always be to give it lots of things to chew on like fresh bones from the deli/meat dept., Kong rubber chew toys, animal-safe ropes and/or stuffed animals. It would be a great idea to buy a wide variety of toys chew toys so you can see what your dog likes. No two puppies will like the same stuff, it’s hit and miss so you have to try them all. Always remember to have patience because it may take 3 or 4 trips to the pet store to get what your puppies like. Giving them these toys will also show your puppies that it is okay to chew on certain things. When your puppies accept their toy and chew on it, praise them and/or give them a small treat to reinforce the positive behavior. If your puppies decide to chew on something they aren’t allowed to correct the negative behavior immediately. This can be accomplished by using an authoritative tone and telling them to stop, followed up by giving them their chew toys.

By using the strategy of toys and positive/negative reinforcement, you will begin to see a decrease in your puppy’s chewing in a short period of time. At first it may seem discouraging cause your puppies never listen, but with consistent training anything is possible.

Clean Feet Pet Clean Up


Dog Training: Increase Productivity Now! are about the same number of techniques to train a dog as there are dogs to train. It seems like there is always a new system, style or philosophy being pushed on new pet owners. Everyday there is a new book on dog training being published and older training systems are being brought back. Check a bookstore or google it and you will be overwhelmed with the number of techniques used for dog training nowadays.

Despite the wide array of techniques, just about every effective dog training system is implemented using positive reinforcement techniques. Scare tactics like intimidation, humiliation and punishment have been proven to be ineffective time and time again. At Clean Feet Pet Clean Up we believe that ANY dog training system, style or philosophy will see faster and better results if the dog training process implements three easy practices.

*Quick tip – Wait at least 1 hour after eating to training your puppy. Letting your puppy poop before training will help the handler’s stress level. Without worrying about dog waste removal it allows you to focus 100% on your puppy’s training.


Start Young
We’ve all been told a million times we can’t teach an old dog new tricks. That popular old saying is not entirely true. Any dog, regardless of age, can learn new things through proper dog training. However, like most old sayings, it has been remembered because it contains a some truth. Dogs are no different than humans in the aspect that if you start training at an early age its easier than trying to break old habits and start new ones. The earlier you are able to start  your dog training, the more effective the training will be.

Puppies will learn at a much faster rate and do not have ingrained behaviors that must be broken. Thus, any training program is sure to be more effective when training a puppy versus a mature dog. In the event that you weren’t able to train your dog when he or she was younger, don’t worry. Training is still effective for older animals. However, if you do have the chance, start training early and you’ll reap the benefits of increased effectiveness at an early age.

Stay Gentle
Dogs are social creatures and create a genuine connection to their owners. That connection or bond is at the core of successful dog training. A dog who trusts his owner and who sincerely wants to please his owner is far more likely to remain attentive, consistent and compliant during the training program. Which in turn leads to a well-behaved, well-mannered and predictable dog or puppy.

A failure to act gently jeopardizes the training program by undermining the quality of the dog/owner relationship. Once you “break your dogs spirit” from being abusive and aggressive he or she may never respect you and only fear you. At that point the training needs to stop, the dog needs a new owner or the owner needs to change their attitude towards the dog and start showing it LOVE immediately!

Obviously, aggressive behavior also contradicts the core principles of most dog training techniques. Behavior training is established on the idea that positive reinforcement techniques best modify dog behavior. Consistency is key when training any animal. Consistent training leads to consistent behavior. Besides, there are ethical and moral concerns about mistreating an animal, in addition to the practical concerns. Treat your dog like you want to be treated. IF you treat your dog with love and respect, they will go to the end for you…after all they are man’s best friend.

A patient dog owner will end up with a partner for a trainee instead of an opponent. Rather than a battle of the wills, training can become a cooperative exercise. Under those conditions, training tends to take less time and be far more effective with a much higher success rate.

Emphasize Prevention

All too often, training a dog devolves into a series of constant corrections for behaviors the owner finds unsuitable. This reduces the pleasure found in dog training as well as its overall effectiveness. A strong emphasis on preventing inappropriate behaviors can reduce the need for corrective efforts and can encourage a faster learning curve.

The main goal with  prevention training is to intervene before a problem is created instead of simply responding to the problem. Instead of waiting for the dog to make a mistake to correct, the prevention minded trainer will keep a close watch to see any signs of bad behavior and will intervene early to prevent them from happening in the first place.

This technique eliminates the dog trainer’s need to waste time on corrections and allows time to place emphasis on positive reinforcement training. This is critical in keeping a program on track and accelerating its successes rate. It also decreases frustration throughout the training process making it a more enjoyable dog training program.

Although there is a multitude of training strategies to choose from, all of them can have their effectiveness increased with the three secrets shared above. By starting early, remaining gentle and emphasizing prevention, any reasonable method of dog training will show faster and better results. These three secrets, if always operating in the background, serve to push the effectiveness of any training technique further than one could ever imagine.

Clean Feet Pet Clean Up


Bathing Your Cat normally do not need help getting and staying clean. They are tedious about their cleanliness and spend much of their day primping and preening. Cats learn from a very young age to stay clean, as the mother always teaches their young the art of bathing. Cat owners rarely need to give their cats a bath, however, there are some situations where you need to bath your kitty. You never know when your cat will get so dirty that they need a little extra help. If your cat has skin allergies or has a flea infestation, you might need to bathe your cat. Sick and older cats may have a difficult time clean themselves too. You will find that your cat probably resists getting a bath, but you can do it if you are prepared.

*Remember your cat needs its litter box cleaned on a regular basis. Not practicing a proper cat waste removal schedule can lead to health issues. Don’t forget, dog waste removal is important too.

Get Your Supplies
The best place to bath your cat is in a small, enclosed room. If you have a sink in your laundry room, that would work perfectly. A deep bathroom sink would also do the trick. The idea is to get your cat in a small area to help him or her feel safer during the process. Another idea is to use a baby tub and place it inside your own bathtub. This might cause an aching back on your part, but may be just the thing for your cat.

In addition, you will want to make sure that you have everything you need on hand before you begin. It will be almost impossible to stop what you are doing with a struggling cat to run and get a towel or shampoo. You will need several old towels, mild, non-irritating shampoo such as baby shampoo or pet shampoo, and a cup for rinsing. You might even consider using a turkey-basting tool to reach under the chin, around the neck and between the legs. In addition, if your cat’s fur is matted, you might want to consider cutting these mats away before beginning.

Get the Bath Ready
When you have gotten all of your supplies where you need them, you will want to prepare the bath. Your cat will not like very hot or very cold water, so lukewarm water works best. Think of the temperature you would use to bath an infant. That is what you need when you wash your cat. Next, fill up the tub or sink. You do not need a lot of water when you bath your cat–just enough to rinse the cat off. It is also a good idea to place a non-skid mat or folded bath towel in the bottom of the sink or tub before you begin filling it with water. This prevents the cat from slipping around on the bottom of the sink or tub.

Ease your Cat into the Water
It is now time for the hard part. You have to get your cat and ease him or her into the water. This may sound easier than it is. Some cats may struggle with you more than others may. Only you know your cat’s personality. The best way to go about doing this is to lower your cat into the water. Do this by placing one hand under the cat’s belly and one hand firmly, but gently on the cat’s back. Lower the cat from its hind legs into the water. If your cat is still struggling, you might want to wrap a towel around your cat to prevent scratches. You might be surprised by your cat’s reaction. Some cats will sit there quietly and let you work. Others will be scared and will try to run from you. You will get wet, but you may think about holding the cat’s body close to your own while bathing so he or she feels more secure. Never raise your voice or move too fast, as this can send your cat into a frenzy.

Begin the Bath
After your cat is somewhat situated in the water, you can begin to bathe. Work quickly, but gently. The best method for bathing your cat is to start with the head and work your way down. Be careful not to get water or shampoo in your cat’s ears or eyes. You will only need a very small amount of shampoo. If you get too much, you will have to rinse longer. If you are treating fleas, then you will want to follow the directions on the flea shampoo at this point. You can use vegetable oil if you need to remove sticky substances from your cat’s fur. Use this sparingly because this will leave an oil residue on your cat’s fur, although it is harmless.

Clean Feet Pet Clean Up
